Strategic Shifts in Brand Evolution

Strategic Shifts in Brand Evolution - Episode 164

Welcome the first Thursday Thoughts episode of The Consistency Corner Podcast!
Today I'm unraveling the reasoning behind the podcast's evolution, from the "why" behind our shift from Unfiltered Fridays to Thursday Thoughts, to the core strategies driving our content. This episode marks not just a shift in schedule, but a strategic pivot toward more intentional, focused content. So, join me as we unpack the vision, the challenges, and the exciting transformations awaiting us in the Season 3 glow-up of The Consistency Corner Podcast!

Click play to listen to the episode in full...

The job of my podcast is to nurture my audience and add value for new clients, existing clients, and my community, so if and when someone's ready to work with me, they've gotten to know me and know what it's like to work with me.

Here's a peek at what we covered in this episode:

  • The reasoning behind making the switch from casual Unfiltered Fridays to strategic and intentional Thursday Thoughts.
  • Going back to the purpose of the podcast: nurturing the audience, adding value, and attracting potential clients.
  • Why it's important to consider the purpose of your podcast or content container to ensure it aligns with your business goals.
  • Reflecting on The Consistency Corner's core value of leading with a growth mindset, with an emphasis on personal and professional growth.

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