The Mistakes You Might Be Making With Potential Clients (& How Your Content Can Fix Them!)

The Mistakes You Might Be Making With Potential Clients (& How Your Content Can Fix Them!)

As a business owner, it's easy to fall into the trap of assuming that your potential clients already know what you know. After all, you're an expert in your field, and the years of experience you have had have given you wisdom that others may not have... But the truth is, your potential clients are seeking information and guidance - and that's where your expertise comes in.

In a world of information overload, what they actually need is your wisdom.

But how can you show them what you know? In this blog post, we'll explore some things you can start doing today to start showcasing your expertise to help them achieve their goals.

So, let's dig in! 

#1: Create content around questions new clients ask!

Part of taking potential clients through the journey is understanding where they are starting from... but if you're an expert it can be hard to remember that far back! It can be challenging for you to see your business from the other side. My number one tip around this is to create content around the questions that your new clients are asking! Potential clients have the same questions, but don't know you well enough yet to know that you are the go to expert to help them - this kind of content will help with that. 

These questions are great prompts for long form content, carousel posts on Instagram or teaching through Instagram stories or short form video.  

#2: Make them feel seen...

People all have one thing in common, we all want to feel seen, heard and know that we matter. Create content around the feelings that your potential clients are having - you'll not only make them feel like they aren't alone, you'll also be creating content that's sharable between potential clients. 

Quotes, memes, relatable Instagram reels or podcast episodes where you show a transformational story from a client or even yourself, can achieve this beautifully. 

#3: Ask for an outsiders perspective. 

You're in the weeds of your business. Every day you're thinking about your particular area of expertise - and because of that, your social media feed is probably filled with other experts in your field and so you assume everyone already knows all this stuff. Wrong.

By brainstorming with someone outside of your business - and even your niche - can be powerful. An outside perspective can give you ideas on content that might seem obvious to you, but would be incredibly helpful for your ideal clients. Even a 30 minute conversation can get your ideas flowing and fill your content calendar for an entire month! 

If you need a little kickstart with your content and a brainstorming buddy to get the ideas flowing, I'm here for you - this is something that I offer! Click here to book a 30 minute content consult with me and let's get that content calendar filled for you. 

If that feels a little too intimidating for you - it's ok, I get it - I want to invite you to one of my Consistency Corner virtual co-working sessions - join others that are at the same point in business as you and let's do it together! Save your seat here:

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