Profit Mindset and Financial Intentionality With Carla Moats - Episode 142

Profit Mindset and Financial Intentionality With Carla Moats - Episode 142

Another week, another episode of The Consistency Corner Podcast! In this episode, I'm joined by my friend, Carla Moats! Carla is a fractional CFO, a finance and strategy coach, and has spent over 30 years helping grow businesses up to 9-figures. She helps female business owners show their finances some love, and build wildly profitable businesses so they're able to achieve their dream life. And today she's here to discuss profit mindset, and why it's incredibly important to the success and health of your business.

Click play to listen to the episode in full...

You can start small, because in the beginning, the most important thing about paying yourself is actually doing it.

Here's a glimpse into what we discuss:

  • The "profit first" approach as a means to be more intentional with finances.
  • Why the most critical aspect of paying yourself is consistency, not the initial amount.
  • The importance of planning how to use the time saved when outsourcing or delegating tasks.
  • The concept of the "zone of genius" where business owners should focus to maximize revenue.
  • Why you shouldn't spend money without a clear strategy, and the importance of a well-defined overarching business strategy.


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