Your 2024 Content Plan

Your 2024 Content Plan - Episode 154

In this special episode of The Consistency Corner Podcast, we're diving into the nitty-gritty of content planning for Q1 and beyond! I'm sharing actionable steps to map out your content calendar strategically, ensuring intentional and effective content creation for the upcoming year. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!

Click play to listen to the episode in full:

Taking time now can really set you up for success in the future, so when you or your team is creating content, it's truly intentional and strategic, and not last minute throwing spaghetti at the wall.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Why you should start with revisiting your brand kit, and ensuring it aligns with your mission, vision, values, and ideal customer.
  • Why you need to make sure your brand photos are up to date (and why it's okay to balance personalized images with stock photos).
  • Strategizing content topics for blogs, podcasts, and videos.
  • How linking campaigns with long-form content will provide consistency and relevance.
  • How you can maximize content potential by repurposing across various platforms.
  • How implementing a structured approach to quarterly content planning will make for a smoother execution.


A 9-Grid is a curated block of—you guessed it—NINE Instagram posts that explain who you are and what you offer. It is highly stylized in your brand aesthetic, stacked with full captions that do the marketing heavy lifting, and pinned at the top of your grid to captivate everyone who is curious about what you do.

Your custom 9-Grid will allow you to maintain your social media presence, market your business effectively, and still connect with people who find you online. Let me develop a strategy for you that allows you to leave all that behind. Apply today!

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50% Complete

Two Step

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