Building a Personal Brand with Lindsay Dollinger - Episode 98

Building a Personal Brand with Lindsay Dollinger - Episode 98

I'm so excited to share this interview with you on the podcast - I'm bringing on my friend Lindsay Dollinger!
Lindsay is a high school Spanish teacher who started off building an online business as a network marketer, growing her team and business to the top 1% of the company. She quickly realized teaching business strategy was her passion and started coaching and teaching other women how to build their online businesses in pockets of time without burnout (don't you just love her already!)
In addition to her love of helping women build a successful online business, Lindsay is passionate about living a healthy and fulfilling life.  She values her family, her doggy — Bella, a good book or podcast, an exhausting work out, traveling all over the world, and spending time laughing with friends.  Lindsay loves supporting entrepreneurs (shout out to all the bosses out there!) and is a fierce advocate of many causes.

Click play to listen below:


In this episode we chatted about:

  • How Lindsay discovered her own personal brand when she was still a teacher with a side hustle and how that has evolved over the years. 
  • Advice Lindsay has about building confidence in marketing while working in direct sales. 
  • How multi passionate women can create more than one business - more than one brand - without confusing their messaging or audience. 

Podcast: Purpose & Pixie Dust

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